Collateral Ligament Knee Injury
Attorney Doug Goyen is a strong, knowledgeable, and aggressive advocate for his clients. Call us at (972) 599 4100 if you have a collateral ligament knee injury as a result of a vehicle accident and need a Dallas personal injury attorney.You may count on the Law Office of Doug Goyen to get you the full settlement amount for your auto accident personal injury. Please contact our auto accident attorney so that we can begin working on your case right away.
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ANATOMY OF THE COLLATERAL LIGAMENT KNEE INJURYLigaments are tough tissue bands that connect the ends of bones. The collateral ligaments, which are found on either side of the knee, limit the knee’s side-to-side motion. The Medial Collateral Ligament is located on the side of the knee that is closest to the opposite knee. On the opposite side of the knee, the Lateral Collateral Ligament is located.
These ligaments may tear if they are overstretched as a result of an injury. The tear could happen in the middle of the ligament or where the collateral ligament connects to the bone. Other ligaments may be torn if the force of the injury is significant enough. A tear of the Medial Collateral Ligament and a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament are the most common combinations. The anterior cruciate ligament runs through the center of the knee and controls how far the shinbone moves forward in relation to the thighbone.
While tears to the Medial Collateral Ligament are more common, tears to the Lateral Collateral Ligament are more likely to cause knee instability. The top of the shinbone forms a deeper socket on the side closest to the Medial Collateral Ligament, which may explain why. The surface of the tibia is flatter near the Lateral Collateral Ligament, and the end of the shinbone can potentially slide around more. Because of this distinction, the side of the knee joint where the Lateral Collateral Ligament is located is more likely to become unstable as a result of collateral ligament injury.
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CAUSES OF A COLLATERAL LIGAMENT KNEE INJURY Sporting activities such as skiing or football can cause often collateral ligament tears. This usually happens when the lower leg is forced sideways–either toward or away from the other knee (medially) (laterally). A blow to the outside of the knee while the foot is planted can strain the Medial Collateral Ligament and cause it to tear. Slipping on ice can cause the foot to move outward, pulling the lower leg along with it. The weight of the body pushing down creates an awkward and unnatural force on the entire leg. As a result, because the force hinges the knee open, the Medial Collateral Ligament may be torn.
A direct blow to the outside of the knee is the most common cause of a Medial Collateral Ligament knee injury.
Direct force trauma to the inside of the knee is the most common cause of a Lateral Collateral Ligament knee injury. This puts pressure on the outside of the knee, stretching or tearing the lateral collateral ligament.
Knee dislocations caused by car accidents can cause a Collateral Ligament Knee Injury – The knee is an area that is particularly vulnerable to damage in a car accident. Knee injuries in car accidents are common and can be devastating. A dislocation is a common type of knee injury that can be extremely dangerous if not treated properly. The majority of knee dislocations are lateral or medial in nature, with the force coming from the side or behind.
A knee dislocation occurs when the bones in the knee are out of place, either partially or completely. Because of the extremely powerful muscles and ligaments that surround the knee, significant force is required to move the bones. The quadriceps muscles, the Medial Collateral Ligament, the Lateral Collateral Ligament, and the Posterior Cruciate Ligament are all found in that area. Despite all of the surrounding soft tissues, the position of the thighbone relative to the shinbone can be disrupted by a strong enough trauma. This shift has the potential to cause damage to vital ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves in the surrounding area.
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Pedestrians hit by cars can suffer a collateral ligament knee injury – Pedestrian versus motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of injury in patients presenting to trauma centers, particularly in urban areas. Because of the high energy associated with these injuries, patients frequently have multiple injuries. Lower extremity injuries are the most common orthopedic injuries seen in patients who have been involved in a pedestrian versus motor vehicle accident. Lower extremity injuries, including collateral ligament injuries, were the most common orthopedic injury, occurring in 52% of pedestrian accidents.
According to studies, pedestrians struck by cars who are given MRIs at the emergency room due to knee symptoms frequently have multiple ligaments damaged in the knee from the accident, including the ACL, PCL, and both Collateral Ligaments.
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TREATMENT FOR A COLLATERAL LIGAMENTS KNEE INJURY NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT OF A COLLATERAL LIGAMENT KNEE INJURYAn isolated LCL or MCL injury rarely necessitates surgery. Significant LCL tears are usually treated by immobilizing the knee in a cast or brace for three weeks. When the MCL is torn, most doctors choose not to immobilize the knee in a cast. If there is significant pain and instability, some doctors prefer to give their patients a knee brace after the injury.
The initial treatment for a collateral ligament injury focuses on reducing knee pain and swelling. Rest and anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin can help alleviate these symptoms. Crutches may be required until you can walk without a limp.
Physical therapy is a common treatment for collateral ligament injuries. Therapists may use ice, electrical stimulation, and rest periods with your leg supported in elevation to treat swelling and pain.
Exercises are used to help you regain normal joint and muscle movement. Range of motion exercises should be started as soon as possible to help you regain full knee movement. This includes using a stationary bike, gentle stretching, and the therapist applying careful pressure to the joint.
You will gradually be able to return to work and activities once you have regained full knee movement and improved strength. Some doctors recommend the use of a functional brace for athletes who want to return to their sport as soon as possible. These braces provide support and aid in the recovery of the knee after an injury.
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WHEN SURGERY IS NEEDED FOR A COLLATERAL LIGAMENT KNEE INJURY:Surgery may be required if other structures in the knee are injured. Chronic swelling or instability due to a collateral ligament injury may necessitate surgical reconstruction as well. Reconstruction is distinct from ligament repair. A reconstruction procedure typically involves either tightening loose ligaments or replacing the loose ligament with a tendon graft.
REHABILITATION AFTER SURGERY ON COLLATERAL LIGAMENTSMinor MCL or LCL sprains should heal within four to six weeks. Moderate MCL tears should heal in two months, while severe MCL tears may take up to three months. If patients’ problems persist after three months, they will almost certainly require surgery. Treatment for severe LCL tears or ruptures is difficult because they tend to make the knee joint unstable, and patients with this condition typically do not respond well to non-surgical care.
Following collateral ligament surgery, rehabilitation begins. Following collateral ligament surgery, patients participate in formal physical therapy. The physical therapist’s goal is to help you manage your pain, ensure that only a safe amount of weight is placed on the knee, and improve your range of motion and strength.
FREE CONSULTATIONSIf you or someone you know requires the services of a Dallas personal injury attorney for a collateral ligament knee injury case, please call (972) 599 4100 for a free consultation and strategy session with a auto accident lawyer about your case. A summary of your case, identification of the legal issues involved in your case, and identification of those legal issues that will help maximize your recovery in your case are all part of the strategy session. We will email you a copy of this strategy session for your records.
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WHAT WE CHARGE – CONTINGENCY FEEThere is no fee unless and until you win! If we work on your case, we charge a contingency fee, which means that if we don’t win, we don’t get paid. The better we serve you, the better we are compensated – our interest is the same as yours.
Call (972) 599 4100 or contact us through our contact form on our website.
By Doug Goyen,
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