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Medical Terms Often Seen in Personal Injuries Cause by Negligence

Injuries Caused by Trauma, such as Car Accidents, Fall, or other Traumatic Events.

Medical Terms Often Seen in Medical Documents Related to Traumatic Injury:

Often, after an injury, you read the doctor's report to see what he says your injury is/was, and it may seem like it was written in Latin. They don't use everyday terms to describe your injury in their medical records and reports. Our Dallas personal injury attorney team has compiled a list, and will update it periodically, of injuries and terms used for those injuries, along with an explanation of what that terminology typically means - along with a few examples.

The best way to understand what is wrong with you is to talk with your medical provider / doctor. Medical terms are used on reports - and often they seem to speak for themselves, but usually its best to ask your doctor directly what the terms mean that have been written down - especially if you don't completely understand what was written.

Term Seen in Medical Reports in Injury Cases:

  • ACL Tear - Anterior Cruciate Ligament tear in the knee. Knee ligament tear of ligament needed for stability in knee.
  • Acute injury - Back sprain or strain
  • Adrenal - Example: Adrenal hemorrhage
  • Amnestic - Example: Concussion - amnestic to event
  • Anterior -
    1. Example: Bone bruises of the anterior aspect of medial and lateral femoral condyles
    2. Example: Subcortical fracture anterior medial aspect of the medial femoral condyle
    3. Example: C2-3 - 3-4mm disc herniation slightly contacts the right anterior spinal cord
  • Anterolateral - Example: Anterolateral proximal tibia
  • Anterolisthesis - Example: Anterolisthesis Mild grade I
  • Arthritis - Example: Severe arthritis in knee
  • Aspiration - Example: Aspirated about 40 cc of cloudy appearing synovial fluid
  • Bilateral - Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm bilateral paracervical and lumbar spine
  • Blepharochalasis - (inflamation of eyelid)
  • Blowout - Example: Localized blowout fracture of left orbital floor
  • Blunt - Example: Blunt trauma chest-wall pain
  • Bone bruises - Example: Bone bruises of the anterior aspect of medial and lateral femoral condyles
  • Bone Spurs -
  • Branch Blocks - Example: Cervical injections & branch blocks
  • Brevis Tendons - Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
  • Bruised lung
  • Bulging -
    1. Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
    2. Example: Small Disc Bulge at L5-S1
    3. Example: Bulging lumbar discs on CT exam C2-3 - Example: C2-3 - 3-4mm disc herniation slightly contacts the right anterior spinal cord
  • Carpal Canal - Example: Inflammatory change in carpal and Guyon's canal
  • Carpal Navicular - Example: Fracture carpal navicular left wrist
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Carpi Radialis - Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
  • Cervical -
    1. Example: Cervical Sprain, Cervical Strain
    2. Example: Cervical injections & branch blocks
  • Cervical fracture
  • Cervical Injections - Example: Cervical injections & branch blocks
  • Cervical lordosis -
    1. Example: Reversal of the cervical lordosis
    2. Example: Straightening of cervical lordosis
    3. Example: Abnormal straightening of cervical lordosis
  • Cervicobrachial Syndrome
  • Collateral - Example: Sprain medial collateral ligament
  • Complications - Example: Risk of complications
  • Concussion -
    1. Example: Post concussion syndrome
    2. Example: Neuropsychological evaluation concussion
    3. Example: Concussion - amnestic to event
  • Condyles -
    1. Example: Bone bruises of the anterior aspect of medial and lateral femoral condyles
    2. Example: Subcortical fracture anterior medial aspect of the medial femoral condyle
  • Consciousness - Example: Loss of consciousness
  • Contusion -
    1. Example: Marrow contusion
    2. Example: Seatbelt chest contusion
    3. Example: Renal contusion
    4. Example: Pulmonary contusions
    5. Example: Lung contusion
  • CT exam - Example: Bulging lumbar discs on CT exam
  • Curvature convex - Example: Mild lumbar curvature convex to the left
  • Diabetes issues
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Diffusely - Example: Diffusely tender under the knee
  • Diplopia (double vision)
  • Disc -
    1. Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
    2. Example: Small Disc Bulge at L5-S1
    3. Example: Bulging lumbar discs on CT exam
  • Discal - Example: Left paracentral discal substance protrusion/herniation
  • Discectomy - Example: Laminectomy/Discectomy
  • Dislocation
  • Dorsal -
    1. Example: Mild tenosynovitis of extensor digitorum/indicis tendons dorsal to the wrist
    2. Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
  • Ecchymotic - Example: Abrasion ecchymotic (purple bruising)
  • Edema -
    1. Example: Edema left eye
    2. Example: Edema (fluid) in knee from trauma
  • Effacing - Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
  • Effusion - Example: Examination of rt knee shows large joint effusion
  • Elevated - Example: Elevated signal in shoulder
  • Entrapment - Example: Inferior herniation of extraconal fat and possible entrapment of left inferior rectus
  • Epicondylitis - Example: Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Examination - Example: Examination of rt knee shows large joint effusion
  • Extension - Example: range of motion is 10 degrees full extension and around 80 degrees flexion
  • Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
  • Extensor Digitorum / Indicis Tendons - Example: Mild tenosynovitis of extensor digitorum/indicis tendons dorsal to the wrist
  • Extraconal - Example: Inferior herniation of extraconal fat and possible entrapment of left inferior rectus
  • Facial - Example: facial-head-nasal abrasions
  • Femoral -
    1. Example: bone bruises of the anterior aspect of medial and lateral femoral condyles
    2. Example: Subcortical fracture anterior medial aspect of the medial femoral condyle
  • Fenestration - Example: Acquired fenestration or tear of the TFC complex associated with escape of joint fluid in the inferior radioulnar recess
  • Flexion -
    1. Example: Pronounced with flexion
    2. Example: Range of motion is 10 degrees full extension and around 80 degrees flexion
  • Fibula
  • Fracture -
    1. Example: Localized blowout fracture of left orbital floor
    2. Example: Subcortical fracture anterior medial aspect of the medial femoral condyle
    3. Example: Fracture carpal navicular left wrist
    4. Example: Cervical fracture
  • Functional Capacity evaluation -
  • Gamekeepers Fracture -
  • Guyon's Canal - Example: Inflammatory change in carpal and Guyon's canal
  • Headaches
  • Hemorrhage - Example: Adrenal hemorrhage
  • Herniation - Examples:
    1. Back or Neck: C2-3 - 3-4mm disc herniation slightly contacts the right anterior spinal cord
    2. Orbital: Orbital floor Fx fissure w soft tissue swelling and herniation of fat into the defect
    3. L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
    4. Left paracentral discal substance protrusion/herniation
  • Horns - Example: Grade 1 changes to posterior horns of menisci - but not torn
  • Hypermobility - Example: Hypermobility suggestive of cervical strain
  • Impingement - Example: Impingement left shoulder
  • ICH
  • Inferior -
    1. Example: Inferior herniation of extraconal fat and possible entrapment of left inferior rectus
    2. Example: Acquired fenestration or tear of the TFC complex associated with escape of joint fluid in the inferior radioulnar recess
  • Inferior Radioulnar Recess - Example: Acquired fenestration or tear of the TFC complex associated with escape of joint fluid in the inferior radioulnar recess
  • Inflammatory or Inflammation - Example: Inflammatory change in carpal and Guyon's canal
  • Infrahilar - Example: Right infrahilar stranding
  • Injections - Example: Cervical injections & branch blocks
  • Intersection of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
  • Interspinious ligamentous regions
  • Intervertebral disc syndrome
  • Kidney Laceration - Example: Kidney laceration
  • Knee injury -
    1. Example: MCL tear, probably grade 3
    2. Example: ACL tear
    3. Example: Edema (fluid) in knee from trauma
    4. Example: Hinge knee brace
  • L2-3 - Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
  • L3-4 - Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
  • L4-5 - Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
  • L5-S1 -
    1. Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
    2. Example: Small Disc Bulge at L5-S1
  • Laceration -
    1. Example: Liver laceration grade II
    2. Example: Kidney laceration
  • Laminectomy - Example: Laminectomy/Discectomy
  • Lateral -
    1. Example: Lateral list of thoracic spine suggestive of muscle spasm
    2. Example: Bone bruises of the anterior aspect of medial and lateral femoral condyles
    3. Example: Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Ligament -
    1. Example: Sprain medial collateral ligament
    2. Example: ACL
  • Liver laceration -
    1. Example: Liver laceration grade II - - covers 10-50% of surface area, 1-3cm in depth
  • Localized - Example: Localized blowout fracture of left orbital floor
  • Lumbago
  • Lumbar -
    1. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm bilateral paracervical and lumbar spine
    2. Example: Bulging lumbar discs on CT exam
  • Lumbar Strain -
  • Lumbosacral
  • Lung contusion
  • Marrow - Example: Marrow contusion
  • Maxillary - Example: Maxillary sinus hemorrhage left
  • Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) -
  • MCL Tear - Example: MCL tear, probably grade 3
  • Medial -
    1. Example: Bone bruises of the anterior aspect of medial and lateral femoral condyles
    2. Example: Subcortical fracture anterior medial aspect of the medial femoral condyle
    3. Example: Sprain medial collateral ligament
  • Medial Collateral Ligament - Example: Sprain medial collateral ligament
  • Menisci - Example: Grade 1 changes to posterior horns of menisci - but not torn
  • Morbidity - Example: Morbiditiy and mortality all rated as high risks
  • Mortality - Example: Morbiditiy and mortality all rated as high risks
  • MRI - Example: MRI right knee
  • Muscle Soreness
  • Muscle spasm -
    1. Example: Paravertebral muscle spasm
    2. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm parascapular musculature
    3. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm bilateral paracervical and lumbar spine
    4. Example: Paracervical muscle spasms
    5. Example: Paralumbar muscle spasms
  • Myalgia - Example: Post traumatic myalgia
  • Myofacial
  • Nasal - Example: Facial-head-nasal abrasions
  • Navicular - Example: Fracture carpal navicular left wrist
  • Neck - Example: Radiating neck pain
  • Neuromuscular reeducation
  • Neuropsychological evaluation concussion
  • Orbital floor Fracture fissure
  • Pain -
    1. Example: Thoracic Spine Pain
    2. Example: Pain on palpatation,
    3. Example: Radiating neck pain
    4. Example: Pain management
  • Pain management
  • Palpatation - Example: Pain on palpatation,
  • Paracentral - Example: Left paracentral discal substance protrusion/herniation
  • Paracervical -
    1. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm bilateral paracervical and lumbar spine
    2. Example: Paracervical muscle spasms
  • Paralumbar - Example: Paralumbar muscle spasms
  • Parascapular - Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm parascapular musculature
  • Paraspinal -
    1. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm parascapular musculature
    2. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm bilateral paracervical and lumbar spine
  • Paraspinous lumbar tenderness -
  • Paraspinous thoracic tenderness -
  • Parasthesia (tingling/numbness)
  • Paravertebral - Example: Paravertebral muscle spasm
  • Physical capabilities exam
  • Physical therapy - Example: Physical therapy using pulmonary toilet to clear airways
  • Pneumothorax
  • Post Concussion - Example: Post concussion syndrome
  • Posterior - Example: Grade 1 changes to posterior horns of menisci - but not torn
  • Post Traumatic - Example: Post traumatic myalgia
  • Protrusion - Example: Left paracentral discal substance protrusion/herniation
  • Proximal - Example: Anterolateral proximal tibia
  • Pulmonary -
    1. Example: Pulmonary contusions
    2. Example: Physical therapy using pulmonary toilet to clear airways
  • Radiating - Example: Radiating neck pain
  • Radiulnar Recess - Example: Acquired fenestration or tear of the TFC complex associated with escape of joint fluid in the inferior radioulnar recess
  • Range of motion decreased
    1. Example: range of motion is 10 degrees full extension and around 80 degrees flexion
  • Rectus - Example: Inferior herniation of extraconal fat and possible entrapment of left inferior rectus
  • Renal - Example: Renal contusion
  • Respiration - Example: Painful respiration
  • Sacroilliac - Example: Sacroilliac joint sprain/strain
  • Scoliosis - Example: Congenital
  • Shoulder - Example: Impingement left shoulder
  • SI Joint - Example: Subluxation of the SI joint
  • Signal - Example: Elevated signal in shoulder
  • Signal intensity -
    1. Example: Lumbar MRI: Hyperintense signal intensity on stir imaging is seen in the interspinious ligamentous regions
  • Sinus hemorrhage
  • Snoring respirations -
  • Soft tissue
  • Spasm - Example: Paravertebral muscle spasm
  • Spinal Cord - Example: C2-3 - 3-4mm disc herniation slightly contacts the right anterior spinal cord
  • Spine -
    1. Example: Thoracic Spine Pain
    2. Example: Paraspinal muscle spasm bilateral paracervical and lumbar Spine -
  • Sprain -
    1. Example: Sprain back acute
    2. Example: Sacroilliac joint sprain/strain
    3. Example: Sprain medial collateral ligament
  • Sternum - Example: Chest - mid-sternum
  • Stir imaging - Example: Lumbar MRI: Hyperintense signal intensity on stir imaging is seen in the interspinious ligamentous regions
  • Strain -
    1. Example: Strain back acute
    2. Example: Sacroilliac joint sprain/strain
  • Stranding - Example: Right infrahilar stranding
  • Subcortical - Example: Subcortical fracture anterior medial aspect of the medial femoral condyle
  • Subluxation - Example: Subluxation of the SI joint
  • Swelling -
  • Syndrome - Example: Post concussion syndrome
  • Synovial Fluid - Example: Aspirated about 40 cc of cloudy appearing synovial fluid
  • Tenderness - Example: Positive tenderness in lumbar or thoracic
  • Tendonitis - Example: Tendonitis in wrist
  • Tenosynovitis -
    1. Example: Mild tenosynovitis of extensor digitorum/indicis tendons dorsal to the wrist
    2. Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
  • TFC Complex Tear - Example: Acquired fenestration or tear of the TFC complex associated with escape of joint fluid in the inferior radioulnar recess
  • Thecal Sac - Example: L2-3 - slight bulging 1-2mm, L3-4 2-3 mm bulging slightly effacing thecal sac, L4-5 3-4 mm disc bulging, L5-S1 4mm disc herniation
  • Thoracic Spine -
    1. Example: Lateral list of thoracic spine suggestive of muscle spasm
    2. Example: Thoracic Spine Pain
  • Tibia - Example: Anterolateral proximal tibia
  • Trauma -
    1. Example: Blunt trauma chest-wall pain
    2. Example: Edema (fluid) in knee from trauma
    3. Example: Post traumatic myalgia
  • Ventral subarachnoid space - Example: narrowing of the ventral subarachnoid space at approx C5-6 level
  • Verbal stimulus -
  • Whiplash -
  • Wrist -
    1. Example: Fracture carpal navicular left wrist
    2. Example: Tendonitis in wrist
    3. Example: Acquired fenestration or tear of the TFC complex associated with escape of joint fluid in the inferior radioulnar recess
    4. Example: Mild tenosynovitis of extensor digitorum/indicis tendons dorsal to the wrist
    5. Example: Mild tenosynovitis to the intersection of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons at the dorsal aspect of the wrist
    6. Example: Inflammatory change in carpal and Guyon's canal
  • Xray - Example: xrays of right hip and knee
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