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Practice Areas

Personal Injury practice areas:

If you need a personal injury lawyer, contact the Law Office of Doug Goyen at (972) 599 4100.  


The Law Office of Doug Goyen represents people who need representation for themselves or a family member who has been injured or killed in cases involving the following practice areas:   

Car Accidents
Car Accidents

We represent people who have been injured in car accidents. When people speed, drive while distracted, drive while intoxicated, ignore traffic signs, fail to pay attention while driving, or otherwise violate the rules of the road, they endanger themselves and others. We will hold those drivers and their insurers accountable. The Texas Department of Transportation reported 1,866 rural traffic fatalities in 2019, 731 people were killed in crashes at or near intersections, and 600 people were killed in head-on collisions. In Texas, there were no deathless days in 2019. We deal with the insurance company and protect your rights while you focus on getting better and caring for yourself and those around you.

Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal Injury Lawyer

You can count on our firm to vigorously pursue the best financial recovery possible for you. Three variables affect the worth of a personal injury case: responsibility, damages, and the capacity to collect. In order to recover damages, all three factors must be present. Our Dallas personal injury attorney is adept at demonstrating the factors required to recover the damages you are owed. Economic and non-economic damages are recoverable under Texas law. The Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Section 41.001(8). In jury trials, the amount of these damages is determined by the jury.

Truck Accidents
Truck Accidents

We represent people who have been injured in an accident involving a large commercial truck or vehicle. In other words, if they were injured as a result of the carelessness of the driver of an 18-wheeler, work truck, bus, taxi, or other work vehicle. Large commercial trucks cause significant damage and injuries. Over 500,000 truck accidents occur in the United States each year. In 2017, there were 4889 fatalities in large truck accidents. From 2009 to 2017, the number of people killed in large truck accidents increased by 42%. We will fight for you to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve and that your rights are protected while you recover.

DWI Accidents
DWI Accidents

Representing victims of drunk drivers who cause car accidents. We represent people who have been injured or the families of people who have been killed by drunk drivers. Every year, drunk drivers cause serious injuries and deaths. Every day, approximately 28 people in the United States are killed in drunk-driving accidents — one every 52 minutes. We can assist you if you were injured by a drunk driver. We go up against their insurance companies to get you compensated for the damage and injury they caused you.

Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian Accidents

We represent pedestrians who have been injured while walking and have been struck by a motor vehicle due to the negligence of the driver of the motor vehicle. Pedestrians who are hit by a vehicle can sustain serious injuries. In 2017, 5,977 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in the United States. This works out to one death every 88 minutes. Furthermore, an estimated 137,000 pedestrians were treated in emergency rooms for nonfatal crash-related injuries in 2017. We assist pedestrians who have been hit by a car in obtaining compensation for their injuries.

Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle Accidents

We represent people who were hit by a motor vehicle while riding their bicycles for exercise, transportation, or recreation and were injured as a result of the negligence of the person driving the motor vehicle. Bicyclists face serious injuries if they are hit by a vehicle. Bicyclists are involved in about 2% of all fatal car accidents each year. Bicyclist fatalities among those aged 20 and up have more than tripled since 1975. The majority of bicyclist fatalities are caused by head injuries, highlighting the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet. We represent bicyclists who have been struck by negligent drivers.

Truck Accidents
Dram Shop Cases

Victims of drunk drivers may be able to seek compensation from bars, restaurants, and other establishments that serve excessive amounts of alcohol to obviously intoxicated patrons who then go out and cause serious injuries or death to others. We assist clients in obtaining compensation for their injuries when bars or restaurants continue to over-serve drunk people, and those people cause accidents that result in injuries. Texas law holds drinking establishments liable for overserving obviously intoxicated patrons who then go out and injure or kill innocent bystanders.

Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Accidents

We represent people who have been injured while riding their motorcycles and have been hit by a negligent driver. We advocate for the rights of motorcyclists who have been injured by negligent drivers. In 2019, 5,014 motorcyclists were killed in motorcycle accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (NHTSA). Motorcyclists were nearly 29 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash in 2019 per vehicle mile traveled. We are suing the insurance company for full compensation.

Premises Liability and Slip & Falls
Premises Liability

We represent people who have been injured in “slip and fall” accidents in which the owner of the premises was negligent, had a dangerous condition on their premises, and the dangerous condition caused an injury as a result of their negligence. If negligence is proven, the property owner is liable for injuries, such as slip and falls, that occur on their property. Every year, over 800,000 people are hospitalized as a result of a fall injury, the most common of which is a head injury or a hip fracture. The owner of the property may be held liable for unpaid medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, or other injuries or damages.

Dog Bite Attacks
Dog Bite Attacks

We represent people who have been injured as a result of a dog attack or other animal that injures them due to the negligence of the animal's owner. Our firm represents people who have been harmed by another person's animal. Over 300,000 people visit the emergency room each year as a result of dog bites. Many people who present to hospital emergency rooms with dog bite injuries are hospitalized, necessitating surgical procedures and long-term pharmaceutical treatment. Negligent dog owners are responsible for the damage their dogs cause.

Construction Accident Injuries
Construction Accident Injuries

We represent people who have been physically injured or killed as a result of the negligence of a company, utility, or municipality. Construction sites are among the most hazardous places to work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 5,333 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2019, a 2% increase from the 5,250 recorded in 2018. Many accidents occur as a result of hazardous working conditions. If you were injured on the job, walking through, or driving through a construction zone as a result of someone else's negligence, you may have a claim against those responsible.

Workplace Accident Injuries
Workplace Accident Injuries

We represent people who have been injured at work as a result of the negligence of a third party, such as another employee, a vendor or the vendor's employer, another company doing work in the same location, an auto collision, or other causes of injury due to negligence. Working in an office, factory, construction, or railroad is fraught with danger. In 2018, there were 488 fatal workplace injuries in Texas. In 2018, 5,250 workers in the United States died as a result of fatal occupational injuries. That equates to 9.29 percent of all deaths. Our legal team can assist you if you have a non-subscriber workplace injury claim, a construction accident, or any other type of personal injury claim.

Wrongful Death Accidents
Wrongful Death Accidents

We represent the estates and heirs of those killed in motor vehicle accidents and other types of negligence in Texas Wrongful Death Act and Texas Survival Statute cases. When a person dies as a result of negligence in a car accident, his or her family and estate have a claim against the negligent parties. The Texas Wrongful Death Act and the Texas Survival Statute both allow for recovery. We represent families and estates in their efforts to obtain restitution for their losses.

City Vehicle Accidents
City Vehicle Accidents

To prove an automobile accident injury case against a government body, it must be shown that the driver of the government vehicle was on the job (in the course and scope of their work) and that they would be held accountable if they had caused the damage or injury while acting as a private individual. If you were hurt by a government vehicle, we can assist you.

Call For A Free Case Review (972) 599 4100


If you are looking for a personal injury attorney, call (972) 599 4100. We offer free phone consultations. We also provide a free strategy session. The strategy session includes a summary of your case, legal issues involved, and legal issues we identify as being critical to maximizing the compensation owed.


You owe us nothing if we are unable to recover. We charge a contingency fee structured to take a percentage of what we recover. As a performance-based contract, the better we do for you, the better we do for ourselves. This aligns our interests in the case with our client’s interests.

By Doug Goyen,

Client Reviews
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