
Common Injuries in Personal Injury Cases

You may be able to seek compensation if you are injured as a result of someone else's negligence. If you require the services of a Dallas personal injury attorney, the Law Office of Doug Goyen can assist you in obtaining the best possible outcome. For over 23 years, the Law Office of Doug Goyen has recovered compensation for clients with injuries caused by negligence.

We will begin working on your case right away, providing expertise, experience, and powerful representation. Call an auto accident attorney in Dallas at (972) 599 4100 for a free case review.

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Catastrophic Injury - a catastrophic injury as "a serious injury that results in severe and long-term effects on the individual who sustains it, including permanent severe functional disability." Traumatic brain, spine, or spinal cord injury; multiple trauma; and loss of major body parts are examples. Catastrophic injuries can be caused by a variety of negligence, from the forces involved in auto accidents to truck accidents, to construction accidents and premises liability, and other types of injuries caused by negligence.
Spinal Cord Injury - Paralysis and numbness are common outcomes of spinal cord injuries. It can cause reflex issues, breathing issues, and bowel and bladder control issues. Side effects include muscle spasms, sensitivity, pain, and sexual issues. Secondary medical issues include bed sores, bladder infections, and lung infections. Spinal cord injuries caused by negligence are often a type of catastrophic injury, depending on the severity of the injury. These are common in motor vehicle collisions and other types of personal injury cases.
Internal Organ Injury - One of the most common types of trauma that results in internal organ injuries is a car accident. Complications can arise as a result of internal organ injuries. When it comes to internal injury, internal bleeding is severe. Internal bleeding can occur as a result of lungs that have been punctured, blood vessels that have ruptured, or intestinal tract perforations.

Head Trauma and Traumatic Brain Injuries - While any injury can be fatal, head and brain injuries are among the most dangerous. Due to the fragility of the skull and brain, severe brain injuries are frequently fatal. Serious traumatic brain injuries are a category of catastrophic injury. Serious auto accidents, truck accidents, and other types of personal injury cases can cause traumatic brain injuries.

Concussions - A head injury can have both immediate and long-term consequences. If your concussion was caused by someone else's negligence, such as in a car accident, you should be compensated for your injuries. Engage the services of a personal injury attorney to hold them accountable and to obtain the compensation you require and deserve.

Post-Concussion Syndrome Lawyer

Traumatic Facial Injury - Facial injuries include injuries to the mouth, face, and jaw. These range from minor facial cuts and lacerations to more serious issues like broken teeth and facial bones. Fractures in the lower or upper jaw, palate, cheekbones, or eye sockets are all possible in the forces involved in auto accidents and other personal injury cases.

Traumatic Eye Injury - A black eye, bleeding in the eye, burns and irritation, corneal abrasions, injuries from a foreign object, orbital fractures, retinal detachments, PVD injuries, and floaters from PVDs or retinal detachments or fractures are all examples of eye injuries from trauma, including auto accidents (trauma).

Orbital Fracture - An orbital fracture occurs when one or more of the bones surrounding the eyeball fracture, which is commonly caused by a hard blow to the face often seen in motor vehicle accidents, falls, or other dangerous conditions that cause serious injury. To diagnose a fracture, ophthalmologists examine the eye and surrounding area. X-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans are also possible to diagnose the injury.

Detached Retina Trauma - When a detached retina is first discovered, it usually necessitates immediate medical attention, which necessitates the surgical skills of a skilled eye doctor. If the condition is not treated as a medical emergency, the patient's functional vision in the eye may be lost if the macula detaches from the retina. A blow to the face or head from a car or truck accident is a common cause of a detached retina.

PVD Eye Injury Trauma - PVD (posterior vitreous detachment) is a condition that occurs when the vitreous membrane separates from the retina. This condition is defined as the separation of the posterior hyaloid membrane from the retina anywhere posterior to the vitreous base. Often a PVD is a warning sign that the retina is about to detach and may cause blindness in the eye if not treated quickly. This is common in auto accidents when the face has been struck.

Eye Floater Trauma - Eye floaters are dark shapes or transparent threads that appear in your field of vision. These spots will move with your eyes, eventually drifting out of your visual field. The high impact of a car accident can cause victims to develop eye floaters, which could be a symptom of a sight-threatening injury like a retinal tear or retinal detachment.

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Traumatic Neck Injuries - The neck is made up of vertebrae, spinal cord, nerves, discs, windpipe, esophagus, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels. A car accident can cause injury to any of these parts of the neck.

Traumatic Back Injuries - A back injury caused by a car accident is considered a traumatic injury. The treatment will vary depending on the type of injury. Spinal fractures are frequently treated differently than sprains or strains. The type of doctor to see for a back injury also varies.

Bulging Discs and Herniated Discs - Bulging discs develop when the disc's outer shell weakens, allowing the disc to bulge or flatten to one side of the spinal canal. If you have a spinal disc injury, this could happen. A swollen disc is similar to letting the air out of a car tire. The disc appears to sag and bulge outward. These injuries can push near or even make contact with nerves running through the spine causing a wide variety of pain, numbness, burning sensations and other medical issues. These are common injuries in auto accidents and falls.

Anterolisthesis - Anterolisthesis is a condition of the spine in which the upper vertebral body, the drum-shaped area in front of each vertebra, slips forward onto the vertebra beneath. The symptoms of anterolisthesis vary greatly depending on whether the slippage pinches the nerve roots and which area is affected. Car crashes and falls are a common cause of this condition.

Cervical Radiculopathy - Cervical radiculopathy is a medical term for when a nerve root in the cervical spine becomes inflamed or damaged, resulting in a change in neurological function. Numbness, abnormal reflexes, or weakness can spread from the neck to the shoulder, arm, hand, or fingers. Tingling or pain that ranges from achy to shock-like or burning may also radiate into the arm or hand. This condition is common from the trauma of an auto accident or other personal injury case where forces cause injury to the neck.

Whiplash - Depending on the severity of the auto accident, whiplash can be mild or severe. Although modern vehicle safety systems are more likely to prevent severe whiplash, it is still possible. If this is the case in your accident, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Soft Tissue Injury - Other, more serious injuries may lurk behind the seemingly innocuous soft tissue case. Spinal injuries, disc bulging and herniation, concussions, and brain injuries can all be the result of a minor fender-bender. Symptoms can emerge over time, and how you feel immediately following an accident is not always indicative of the true extent of your injuries.

Traumatic Shoulder Injury - Our shoulders and rotator cuffs serve as pivot points from which we can freely move our arms. Carrying items, driving a car, putting on clothes, cooking, cleaning, yard work, and a variety of other arm-related tasks are all possible with healthy shoulders. Shoulder injuries impair our ability to perform almost any job until the pain goes away.

Rotator Cuff Trauma - Falls (often onto an outstretched arm), forceful external rotation with an abducted or adducted arm, motor vehicle accidents, lifting a heavy object, sporting activities, and reaching out to grab a rail to prevent falling were the injury patterns observed in studies of rotator cuff tears and injuries.

Arm Injury Trauma - Bruises (contusions), sprains (ligament injuries), tendon injuries, pulled muscles (strains), ruptures of the bicep or tricep tendon, fractures, dislocations, shoulder injuries, elbow injuries, hand injuries, and wrist injuries are all common arm injuries.

Wrist Injury Trauma - Depending on the severity of the wrist injury, the victim may require extensive medical treatment, including physical therapy, pain medication, cast immobilization, and possibly surgery. Wrist injury treatment can often result in large medical bills.

Traumatic Hand Injury - Hand injuries come in a variety of forms. Lacerations, bruising, contusions, broken bones, and fractures caused by a forceful trauma to the hand are examples of traumatic hand injuries. Hand trauma can occur as a result of a variety of accidents.

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Traumatic Chest Injury - Chest wall injuries, sternal fractures, shoulder girdle fractures, contusions and hematomas, rib fractures, and flail chest are all examples of auto accident chest wall injuries.

Traumatic Pelvis & Hip Injury - A pelvic or hip injury can be extremely debilitating. These injuries can occur as a result of a direct hit, a severe twisting motion, or even the compression-type motion seen in trip and fall accidents and car accidents.

Traumatic Leg Injury - People can sustain a variety of leg injuries as a result of car accidents. Fractures, abrasions, lacerations, Achilles tendon ruptures, dislocations, knee injuries, ankle injuries, and foot injuries are among them.

Knee Injury Trauma - Many car accident victims sustain knee injuries, which include soft tissue, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and joint damage. Because of the blunt force trauma or twisting, a collision impact can result in a fracture, dislocation, cartilage tear, sprain, or strain.

ACL Tear from Trauma - An ACL tear is a serious knee injury. It is one of the four major ligaments in the knee. It runs diagonally down the middle of the knee, separating the upper and lower legs (keeping the lower leg from sliding out from the femur). It also provides rotational stability to the knee.

Collateral Ligament Knee Injury - Ligaments are fibrous bands of tissue that connect the ends of bones. The collateral ligaments, which can be found on either side of the knee, limit the side-to-side motion of the joint. The Medial Collateral Ligament is on the side of the knee closest to the opposing knee. The Lateral Collateral Ligament is located on the opposite side of the knee.

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Traumatic Ankle Injury - Ankle injuries are serious injuries that can result from car accidents. If you are looking for an ankle injury accident lawyer from a car accident, you will need to hire a personal injury attorney who specializes in car wreck injuries in order to receive the compensation you deserve in your case.

Traumatic Foot Injury - Types of foot injuries caused by trauma include bruises (contusions), puncture wounds, Injuries to ligaments that support your joints, tendon injuries, such as ruptured tendons in your heel, injuries to your joints (sprains), pulled muscles (strains), broken bones or fractures, dislocations, and compartment syndrome.

Burns Injuries from Accidents - Past expenses in a major burn case can easily run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The initial treatment usually entails intensive care by specially trained personnel using specialized medical equipment and supplies, followed by physical therapy and multiple surgeries.

Fractures Caused by Trauma - Traumatic fractures are breaks in the bone that can be partial or complete. This type of injury frequently necessitates medical treatment for several weeks, months, or even years. Fractures are common in car accidents. The patient's health and the force that broke the bone usually determine the severity of a fracture. If there are strong forces involved, such as in a car accident, the bone may break.

Call For A Free Case Review (972) 599 4100


If you are looking for a Dallas injury attorney, call (972) 599 4100. We offer free phone consultations. We also provide a free strategy session. The strategy session includes a summary of your case, legal issues involved, and legal issues we identify as being critical to maximizing the compensation owed.


You owe us nothing if we are unable to recover. We charge a contingency fee structured to take a percentage of what we recover. As a performance-based contract, the better we do for you, the better we do for ourselves. This aligns our interests in the case with our client’s interests.


Law Office of Doug Goyen
15851 Dallas Pkwy #605
Addison, Texas 75001
(972) 599 4100 phone
(972) 398 2629 fax

Directions to our office: We are on the southbound side of the service road to the Tollway. Stay on the Dallas North Tollway until you come to the Keller Springs exit. Take the Keller Spring exit. Stay on the service road on the southbound side and go just past Keller Springs. Our office is the 2nd building south of Keller Springs, located on the service road to the North Dallas Tollway in the Madison Business Center on the 6th floor.

By Doug Goyen,

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Client Reviews
You want a great lawyer who keeps you informed on whats going on speaks with you personally and gets the job done call Doug Goyen. He is excellent & very professional you wont go wrong choosing him!! Thanks again for all your help Mr. Goyen! Socorro V.
Very efficient staff. I am VERY pleased with this firm. Gina W.
Very professional job handling my accident claim. I had some ER bills, and some visits to my ortho after (and various other bills that kept coming in). I was afraid I was going to get stuck owing money, but Doug Goyen took care of the case and had everything paid, including compensating me for the injury. Great lawyer IMO. I felt like my case was taken care of very well. Thx!! Bernard M.
Doug is a great attorney. He took care of my auto accident claim promptly, and answered any questions I had. I also had one of my hospital bills go into collections for non-payment. I was able to contact Doug a year after the accident, and received a copy of the check the hospital claimed they didn’t receive. I highly recommend this guy. David J.
The Law Office of Doug Goyen helped me recovery every bit I was owed on my claim. Very happy I used them. They knew what they were doing, and kept me informed. I felt taken care of the whole way. You wont go wrong using them. Arthur H.
Mr. Goyen helped me take on my own insurance company, the great and mighty Allstate. My prior firm basically dumped me, with a permanent injury because the case didn’t meet their financial guidelines for a settlement. I was a bicycle rider hit by a car driver at an intersection, and Allstate was the company on BOTH SIDES OF THE CLAIM. My own insurance company tried to throw me under the bus to limit their payout! Without Mr. Goyen’s help, I would have been left with NOTHING! I had thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills, unable to receive treatment to correct the issue. He was unafraid and helped me get the best settlement I could … I am tremendously thankful! Pamala M.
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